Be careful!! If you eat papaya in excess, then you could get these health issues!!

Sweet and delicious to taste with orange colour inside and with small coloured black seeds papaya is a large tropical fruit. It is superb to eat papaya as it has many nutrients like magnesium, fiber, folate, vitamins like C, A, antioxidants etc that are required for health. Eating this fruit would boost immunity plus reduce inflammation, aids in weight loss etc are known to us. Sometimes we might consume this fruit in excess and this must be avoided.

Eating papaya in excess amounts can lead to these issues in us, so please be careful.

Digestive problems:

The presence of fibers and papain or the digestive enzyme in papaya would help in breaking down proteins. It is okay to eat in moderate amounts but consuming papaya in excess would lead to digestive issues like diarrhoea, bloating etc.


Some persons, when they eat papaya in excess amounts, would get allergic reactions and that is due to the presence of the enzyme papain. It has been mentioned by a research study that pollen from papaya could result in respiratory issues. Those who are allergic to latex must never eat papaya in excess as it could trigger cross reactivity with latex. So, please be very careful.

Lowering blood sugar levels:

If consuming papaya in moderate amounts is good for managing blood sugar levels, then consuming it in excess could lead to drop in the blood sugar levels or hypoglycemia. Point is that persons who are taking medicines for lowering blood sugars must not consume papaya in excess.

Impact on pregnant mothers:

It must be noted that papaya is an uterine stimulant and hence pregnant mothers must not eat this fruit as it would lead to uterine contractions and even miscarriage etc.

Interfere with certain medicines:

There are some persons who would be taking blood thinners and to medicines to manage blood sugar levels etc. These persons must not eat papaya in excess as it could amplify the effects of these medicines. In other words, these persons would get excessive bleeding or very low blood sugar levels. Please take care.