Do not eat these fruits during the winter season as they can create issues!!

Though normally fruits are good for our health, not all fruits are suitable for consumption for every season. Surprising, but true!!

There are certain fruits that must not be consumed during the winter season as they could create health problems in us. The reason for this is due to the cooling properties or more prone for spoilage etc. For the sake of our overall well being, we must choose the right kind of fruits for the season.

Please avoid eating these fruits during the winter season.

Avoid watermelon intake:

During the summer season, we can eat watermelon (with high water content) as it would cool us. It is noteworthy that watermelon intake must be avoided in the winters as it could lower the body temperature. This would aggravate the cold and create discomfort.

 Avoid cantaloupe intake:

It must be noted that similar to watermelons, cantaloupe also has water content and hence this fruit must not be consumed in the cold winter season. When we eat cantaloupe during winters, our digestion could get disrupted. We might get chills.

Avoid bananas intake:

Not many of us know the fact that bananas rich in nutrients could increase mucus production in us. Persons who are prone to cold, cough etc must avoid or eat bananas in limited quantities only in winter season.

Avoid citrus fruits in excess:

It is known that citrus fruits like oranges, lemons and grapefruits etc are rich in vitamin C. When we consume these fruits during the winter season, then our throat might get irritated. The reason is due to the acidic nature of these fruits.

Avoid pineapple intake:

Normally, by consuming pineapples we could get many health benefits and that is due to the presence of bromelain in pineapples. During winters, pineapple intake must be avoided as it could irritate the throat due to cooling properties and acidic nature.

Avoid papaya intake:

Especially during the cold winter time, we must not eat papaya fruit as it could lower our body temperature and increase cold related symptoms.

Avoid guava intake:

Generally, intake of guava is known to be good for our health. Not many of us know that consuming fibre rich guava in the winter season could lead to sore throat. That is because of its slightly rough texture and cooling properties.

Avoid grapes intake:

Especially during the winters, we must not eat grapes as it could increase the risk of getting respiratory infections etc. It must be noted that the high sugar in grapes could lead to the production of mucus. Those persons who want to consume grapes in the winters must opt for fresh and high quality type grapes only.