Eating senai kizhangu or elephant foot yam or Jimikand would improve our health in these ways!!

From being a wild growing tuber to a cultivated crop in recent years, jimkand or elephant foot yam has come a long way!!

Fact is that the health benefits of consuming jimikand have been recognised. It is called an elephant foot yam because of its amazing elephant foot appearance. It is known by the scientific name Amorphophyllus paeonifolius and it belongs to the family named Araceae. In Tamil, this is known as Senai Kizhangu.

Consuming jimikand or elephant foot yam would provide numerous benefits like

Superb for diabetics:

Not many of us know that this jimikand has got a chemical compound named Allantoin having anti-diabetic effects. Those persons with diabetes can consume this tuber and it would manage blood sugar levels in them plus improve lipid profiles also. This jimikand is fibre rich and has got low GI and hence must be included in diabetic diets.

Prevents cancer:

The presence of allantoin in jimikand would help in prevention of cancer. It is believed that the L-arginine compound present in jimikand oil would boost immunity in us. By this, cancer could be avoided.

Supports weight loss:

The anti-obesity properties of jimikand are due to the presence of flavonoid compounds. When we consume jimikand that is rich in fibres and carbohydrates we would have less appetite. This would help us to avoid excess eating or overeating. By this, we would lose weight.

Anti-inflammatory properties:

Intake of elephant foot yam or jimikand would protect us from many diseases and this would be due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidants that are present in this. By lowering the inflammation in us, we could avoid colon cancer etc by consuming jimikand.

Provides relief from menopausal symptom:

Elephant yam extract intake would help the menopausal woman to get relief from various symptoms like hot flashes, insomnia, behavioural changes etc.

Rich in vitamin B6:

An essential nutrient that would reduce irritability and anxiety etc is vitamin B6. By consuming jimikand regularly we could get adequate vitamin B6 levels in us.

Reverse anaemia in us:

The presence of both iron and folate in jimikand would help us to address anaemia. We could avoid blood deficiency and maintain healthy blood levels. Point is that those with anaemia must eat jimikand without fail.

Good for brain health:

The presence of omega 3 fatty acids, selenium, magnesium, zinc would improve the brain functions, memory, concentration etc.